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The Build Fellowship pricing model

Option 1: Build & Company Employ the Fellow

Company pays Build $4000 per month

Fellow is employed by Build & the Company, both entities manage
the immigration needs

  • Build employs the foreign national in the Fellowship
    for 5 hours per week and sponsors them for a part-time, cap-exempt H-1B visa.
  • Company employs the foreign national and sponsors
    them for a full-time, concurrent H-1B visa.
  • H-4 dependent filings.

Option 2: Build Employs the Fellow

Company pays Build $75+ per hour

Build manages all employment and immigration needs for the Company

  • Build employs the foreign national in the Fellowship,
    for 5 hours per week, and sponsors them for a part time, cap-exempt H-1B. 
  • Build also employs the foreign national, as a full time
    contract employee with the Company, and sponsors their concurrent H-1B visa.


As a result of the Fellow’s participation, and as long as the company is paying the Fellow a fair wage, the company can negotiate with the Fellow for a lower base compensation. 

For the concurrent employment options, we recommend reducing the Fellow’s compensation by at least $1k per month because that is the typical minimum in additional compensation that the Fellow receives.

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